[CS-FSLUG] Yama big life project

Yama Ploskonka yama at netoso.com
Tue Oct 21 14:18:23 CDT 2008

> How's that "Big life Project" going that you mentioned? The sentiments 
> you expressed are certainly a growing concern among the mission world in 
> general. The giant is moving! :-)
> Well, I need to go to bed...
> JSR/

Josiah, brothers, sisters,

In agreement with another opinion on the "junk mail" thread, I am still 
with this list not so much for the technical side of things, but for the 
human/spiritual component and encouragement.

So, since that 2005 message quite a few things got lined up.  Wife also 
heard the call to missions ASAP, so we signed up and completed a year of 
very solid School of Church Planting training at our church, culminating 
with a short trip to one of those countries you do not name on stuff 
that goes public.
I left the school I used to work at last December, and have since trying 
to get a real job that will get me really involved in making Quality 
Education happen for kids.  Took the longest time, but yesterday I 
finally got sent my naming as "official designee and agent for the 
development and organization of national centers in Bolivia and Chile" 
for ole.org, which means I do not have a paycheck yet but at least I get 
institutional backing for getting things moving.

I have much hope in using OLPC XO computers for this purpose.  These 
machines are _very_ open source (Stallman is said to have adopted one as 
his main work machine)

What this means for me in Kingdom Business is that I would, hopefully, 
have a real job overseas, being paid to push Libre.
As I had mentioned already in 2005 I want to Work in a way different 
than the standard missionary approaches, and this way we would be able 
to afford it.

Things right now are a bit stuck.  To get the educational project 
running, I need the official support of the current authorities in 
Bolivia, who have taken clear stands against anything American or 
Christian.  Of course we are not going to lie our way in, so prayers are 
in order, please, for this will not succeed just out of a logical 
sequence of events.

BTW, there are a few very quiet efforts among Christians to participate 
in the OLPC project.  Sadly, the forces that make us unwelcome in many 
places are right now with the upper hand, so it is getting even harder 
to act in the secular world if you are known as a Christian, and us 
Christians don't seem to be able to cooperate with each other.

I want to encourage you to keep an eye on the OLPC goings on, which is 
something very related to the values we hold dear.

so, the 2005 email Josiah mentioned:
Current news

Bless y'all


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