[CS-FSLUG] [PD] The American Flag - I'm speechless...

Don Parris parrisdc at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 18:31:07 CDT 2008

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Fred A. Miller <fmiller at lightlink.com>wrote:

> Don Parris wrote:
> [snip]
> > As for our current choices, choose your devil carefully.  Trust neither
> > of them fully.
> That is the most accurate of what you wrote. Part of me wants NOBama to
> win as it WILL bring us much closer to the return of our Lord, but
> having McCain win will buy us some more time to reach more of the lost.
> Fred
You can be sure I wrote nothing inaccurate.  But you are welcome to your
opinion.  My point is, we are sorely off track to accuse Obama (remember, he
IS a Christian - had to split with his pastor who went overboard on some
comments he made) of being a non-Christian, pro anti-Christ, when sitting in
our very own white house is a man who lied to his people about issues of
national security, but supposedly is a Christian.  Without taking a stance
on any particular politician, I just think the whole concept is ludicrous.

If you want to attack Obama, fine.  But you can probably do so without using
our faith - and his - to do so.  Both candidats are supposedly Christians.
Neither has demonstrated perfect leadership.  Both are fundamentally flawed
human beings, merely saved by grace.  Both have flawed human beings working
on their behalf.  Both have made mistakes in the past and will do so again
in the future.  Both candidates have innacurately stated the others'
position on various issues.

But what galls me most is the attitude that suggests that somehow Bush is
more a saint than Clinton, or that McCain somehow is more a saint than
Obama.  And, God forbid, if Palin has actually abused her power as Governor,
just think what might happen if she has to step into McCain's shoes!  I just
simply don't buy into the notion that somehow the conservative Republicans
are somehow more Christian and saintly than the liberal Democrats
(especially since both parties include many Bible-believing Christians).
Frankly, lying to a nation about the existence of WMD for the sake of
invading a foreign country with little or no genuine cause is about as
unjust as one can get.  Just try to convince me that this is somehow more
saintly than a stupid act of oral sex.

Of course, based on your other post, I may very well be in the Devil's
pocket since I reject any notion that the King James Version (or NKJV) is
the "only" true word of God.  I hate to break it to folks, but Jesus did not
speak the King's English - it didn't yet exist.  Ever try reading Beowulf in
the original English?  And it wasn't written until 900-1000 years later!
:-)  That's not to speak of the poor foreigners who can't even understand
English (let alone the King's English) and have to have the Bible translated
into their actual languages (as opposed to the KJV) - a major failure of
KJV-only proponents.  Say, didn't the Catholic Church try that trick -
didn't they try to keep the Bible in Latin so they could exert control over

I'm no liberal.  I am a patriotic, conservative Christian with politically
moderate views.  I served as a Marine Infantryman.  I drove an ambulance for
the volunteer rescue squad for a short time.  I have served to protect
people and property since 1985, whether in the military, or as a private
security officer.  I have preached the Gospel - and in an unbridled and
unadulterated form at that.  But I have also personally witnessed how whites
in America have used the Bible (among other excuses) - in the 1990's, not
the 1960's - to suppress blacks in North and South Carolina.  I witnessed as
Newt Gingrich announced his "Contract With America", only to watch him fall
a few short years later - a victim of his own hypocrisy.  Indeed, I dropped
from the Republican party by the next election - choosing to refrain from
participating in either party.  I remain unaffiliated to this day.

Again, don't try to preach to me about how Obama is some kind of
Devil-cum-Laude while McCain is the next best thing to the risen Saviour.
I'll call it for what it is - a load of bull manure.

D.C. Parris
Minister, Journalist, Free Software Advocate
sip:dcparris at ekiga.net <sip%3Adcparris at ekiga.net>
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