[CS-FSLUG] OS distro

Josiah Ritchie josiah at ritchietribe.net
Sat Oct 11 13:07:21 CDT 2008

>> Ubuntu. It's easy to stay current with a minimal amount of fuss. And it
>> happens to work with all of our hardware - at the moment.
> I support a LOT of hardware, very little of it identical. The ONLY
> distro. that I can count on is openSUSE or Novell SLES/SLES. Time is
> something I don't have an excessive amount of and other distros. just
> don't cut for me.

Okay, let's good naturedly heat it up a bit... What is left out of
Ubuntu that you appreciate on SUSE (aside from the obvious answer,
Banshee since Novell pays the major developers of that project)?

I'm pretty sure we can count on you, Fred, for a clear opinion. You're
pretty dependable on that. I think you've actually had the same distro
in each distro war since I joined this list around 2000, which
certainly speaks to your broad knowledge and understanding of the SUSE
way of doing Linux. If I were to ever switch to it, you'd be on the
top of my list of "ask him" guys. :-)


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