[CS-FSLUG] Senator Obama RIDICULING the Holy Bible and Words of Jesus

Davo Smith christiansource at davosmith.co.uk
Fri Oct 10 12:03:09 CDT 2008

>> But if the alternative is to inflict on he rest of us another
>> militaristic leader to threaten world stability,
> Since you spoke up with your opinion, I suppose I should be granted
> the same opportunity...
> I'm sorry, but when I read statements like the above, I really have to
> wonder about the world today. Here's a question. Where are the same
> complaints/concerns, and attempts to persuade North Korea? Iran?
> Venezuela? Putin and Russia? Here's Russia, _pounding_ on the doorstep
> of Europe, and what do they do? Nothing? NO! Worse, they _appease_
> Russia!
> Here's a question, why do you blame the US for threatening world
> stability, and not these people? Let's look at Russia, for instance.
> There is/was nothing Georgia could do to have avoided what
> happened--Russia will do anything to create a pretense--and now, we
> are seeing the same sort of behavior in Ukraine, now. Moldova is most
> likely next, and Poland most certainly won't be left alone.... Where
> is the same blame thrown at Russia?

I agree with you fully that there are a great many countries doing
incredible evil around the world, but my question is what has military
intervention done to improve these situations?

Iraq - a terrible dictatorship in charge of a relatively stable
country (which was a great threat to its own people and to a lesser
extent some of the surrounding nations), is now in complete anarchy a
fertile training ground for terrorists and a cause (however misguided)
for the 'West vs Muslims' to rally around (despite Iraq being a
secular dictatorship).

I do not believe there are simple solutions to these problems, but the
military options have only seemed to worsen the situations, not
improve them. Whilst there are situations where armed responses are
necessary, surely someone once said that our primary response should
be to 'love our neighbour'.

> Beyond that, let's just ignore the simple fact that America, perceived
> to be "sole" world power, and is in the sights of all jealous
> megalomaniacs...

Again, there is a great deal of truth in what you say, but also bear
in mind that much animosity towards America stems from its attacks on
other countries (however justified they might have been) and the
immoral lifestyle promoted in its film and television exports.

I do not say this to have a go at America, but just to explore the
perceptions that much of the world has of the country.

Please do not take anything I have said as a personal attack, just
observations from someone who gets to see news reports from a slightly
different perspective (and who is also deeply disturbed by many of the
actions of my own, British government).


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