[CS-FSLUG] Email Merge - Linux

Josiah Ritchie josiah at ritchietribe.net
Thu Oct 9 22:21:57 CDT 2008

Someone told me they couldn't do email merges with linux. While I know
this isn't technically true and that there are several solutions that
solve the problem outside of the traditional windows sense of an email
merge, how would you go about providing this user with a solution that
isn't too technical and close enough to familiar that they could pull
it off. (They do use the ability to personally customize the name of
the person in the email and all that.)

I don't intend to use this information immediately, but thought it
might be a nice answer to have in my pocket.

I'd probably just not personalize them or use a web service that
handles it all for me. If that failed, I'd figure out something with a
CSV and some scripting before reverting to some GUI mess. :-)


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