[CS-FSLUG] Church Management Software

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Tue Apr 8 19:49:08 CDT 2008

EnzoAeneas wrote:
> organization and faster access. Information in text files much be read
> in order, so searching is terribly slow and inefficient; storage of
> large quantities of data in this manner quickly becomes unweildly.
> Databases are not only able to deal with larger quantities of data,
> searching and find what is needed is far easier and faster (though not
> as simple). Some databases even allow storing of their records in text
> files, but that is a limited solution and the text files may not be
> very usable by a normal person.
> Storage to files in plain text can be implemented as backup or export
> quite easily when databases are used, so if text files are useful in
> some other way to the user, they can be provided. The creation of
> reports and summaries would be necessary anyway, so readable text
> files would be generated by the applications.
> As for cost, many popular databases are not only free to use, but open
> source and licensed to be free forever. Postgresql is one them.
> The plan was to use all free and open source software for this, so
> that corporate interests and greed could not interfere with the
> project and GOD's work through it.
> That was a good question. Any other concerns?

I asked awhile ago about using base in OpenOffice and the "rest" of OO 
for reports, etc. I didn't see any response to that idea. I've played 
around with base some, and if I knew all that church management software 
really had to have in it, I'd start work on it around the end of this 
May............and "get er done." ;) Somehow I have an idea it would do 
just fine for all the majority of churches, which are small.

Fred  "Molon Labe"

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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