[CS-FSLUG] Church Management Software

Robert Wohlfarth rbwohlfarth at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 17:17:10 CDT 2008

EnzoAeneas <enzoaeneas at gmail.com> wrote:
> What do you guys think about using XHTML and AJAX for the UI?
> It lends it self to being usable outside of the intranet or machine?
> Though, for that usage, we must address security.
> Firefox has become a very robust platform, plus if we used Prism, we
> could lessen the user's ability to interrupt the system using BACK,
> FORWARD, etc
> XHTML would also allow us to quickly transform data into a user
> interface and when the system is locally hosted, we can use whatever
> works to provide the feature.
> The downside is that if the system is deployed outside of the intranet
> (i.e. remote web server), we cannot count on the host supporting any
> external tools or utilities that we want to use. A question: Should we
> even worry about this use case, wait for later, or never consider it
> all?

Earlier discussion in this thread seemed to lean towards a local
solution, not web based. I took that to mean some sort of native GUI
instead of a web browser. Did I mis-understand?

Robert Wohlfarth
rbwohlfarth at gmail.com

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love 
him, who have been called according to his purpose. -- Romans 8:28

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