[CS-FSLUG] Church Management Software

EnzoAeneas enzoaeneas at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 16:02:29 CDT 2008

What do you guys think about using XHTML and AJAX for the UI?
It lends it self to being usable outside of the intranet or machine?
Though, for that usage, we must address security.

Firefox has become a very robust platform, plus if we used Prism, we
could lessen the user's ability to interrupt the system using BACK,
XHTML would also allow us to quickly transform data into a user
interface and when the system is locally hosted, we can use whatever
works to provide the feature.

The downside is that if the system is deployed outside of the intranet
(i.e. remote web server), we cannot count on the host supporting any
external tools or utilities that we want to use. A question: Should we
even worry about this use case, wait for later, or never consider it

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