[CS-FSLUG] OS/2 Anyone?

Yama Ploskonka yama at netoso.com
Sat Apr 5 14:49:47 CDT 2008

when I try on different distros, my mentality is as if it were different 
OS altogether, or major version changes in Windows for example.  I see 
as much difference between Suse and Ubuntu as between MacOS and Windows. 
  I have to relearn a lot of the tricks, shortcuts, deep down hacking of 
the GUI...

Vincent Danen wrote:
> * [2008-04-04 20:08:00 -0700] Jason Franklin wrote:
>>>>> *If* you can install Ubuntu.  Unfortunately, I found a machine that

> Oh for sure.  That's just the frustrating thing about Linux
> sometimes....  one distro works great, one sorta works, and the other
> doesn't at all... yet it's all Linux.  This disparity needs to be
> figured out before Linux takes off mainstream.  I mean, if I were a new
> user and was going to try "Linux" and if I tried Ubuntu on that laptop,
> I probably would have written Linux off right then and there.
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