[CS-FSLUG] Where from, Bible software, updating Ubuntu

Warren Sanders warren at sandersonline.org
Fri Sep 29 10:53:16 CDT 2006

Hash: SHA1

edoc7 wrote:
> Wow, 67 updates?  Sounds like MS XP!  :-(
> This is the reason I abandoned SuSE and RedHat and
> the other code-bloat distros.  It had gotten to the
> point that like the old Apple OS and all of the MS
> versions that no-one knew how they worked -- fixing
> problems was often more guesswork than science.
> Why are there any updates to a current OS release?
> Are you loading a stable release or unstable?
> Are the "updates" mislabeled and are they really
> optional features you can ignore?
> doc
I applaud the number of updates.  You shouldn't compare this to
Windows.  MS obviously doesn't fix much and that is not a good
comparison to make.  Truth is they only fix 4-5 things in a months
time.  The one who installed the needless packages has more to do with
the bloat; power to remove is always there too.  But IMO, if you have
the resources to install the bloat and try out things you might never
try; why not install them.  Exploring new packages already installed
is quite fun!  However running needless services is highly not
recommended either.  One should go through and turn off needless
services and remove packages they know they will not need or ever
use.  This process a new user might go through teaches them a thing or
two.  Why get a slim and trim Puppy if you have a Porsche engine with
nowhere to go?  If you have the VW engine... sure you take the Puppy
on longer walks.

I love the nature of Open Source Communities getting things done.  The
lower numbers of fixes in a closed source project is directly
attributed by the lack of contributors.  IMHO a somber day in Linux is
a day without updates. :D  There is no such thing as bug free
software.  The best version (usually) in the next version.

- --
Warren Sanders
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