[CS-FSLUG] Christiansource Digest, Vol 31, Issue 19

Ed Hurst ehurst at asisaid.com
Mon Sep 18 20:16:46 CDT 2006

Chad Fluegge wrote:

> What make and model of CD-RW do you have? Could you tell us what 'dmesg'
>> says about it?
> That I cannot answer. My computer is at work where I've been using it to
> design a website so I don't have it here in front of me. I will get back to
> you on that ASAP. What is dmesg, and how do I access it?

Commandline, type: dmesg (you can use any terminal emulator)

You'll get a bunch of stuff which is recorded from the boot console. 
Somewhere you'll see something like this:

    hdd: DVDRW IDE 16X, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive

This indicates I have a DVDRW on 2nd IDE cable at slave position.

Ed Hurst
Applied Bible - http://ed.asisaid.com/bible/index.html
Plain & Simple Computer Help - http://ed.asisaid.com/
Mission, Method & Means blog - http://ed.asisaid.com/blog/

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