[CS-FSLUG] [Ichthux] Loaded Ichthux!

Raphaël Pinson raphink at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 11:45:58 CDT 2006

> Linux folks who claim the name of Christ need to stop
> whining about the laws of "Rome" and "Render unto Caesar
> that which belongs to Caesar, and to God that which
> belongs to God."

Totally agreed doc. I strongly discourage people from stealing contents -
music, video, images, software.

The Bible says that every work deserves a salary.

To me, that sentence is mostly addressed to masters/employers. It doesn't
say that you have to seek the salary as a goal, and that you can lock your
work in order to make yourself sure you get the salary no matter what. We
are told to give without expecting anything in return, but the Bible states
that it is fair to give back for the things you have received.

God bless

Raphaël Pinson - raphink at ichthux.com
Ichthux - http://www.ichthux.com - Linux for Christians
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