[CS-FSLUG] Mail server advice

Warren Sanders warren at sandersonline.org
Thu Jun 22 10:25:51 CDT 2006

Hash: SHA1

Ed Hurst wrote:
> What is it with everybody telling me not to run in 64-bit mode? That was
> the whole point of getting this beast! Sorry, nothing personal, but I've
> had it up to *here* with that particular suggestion. :-)
Sorry.  It wasn't a suggestion rather a question.  I must say it is
still possible to compile courier-imap (btw this is also a pop3 server
as most if not all IMAP servers provide) as it has been done for the
Compaq Tru64.  To make this so much simpler... CentOS 4.3 has already
got dovecot-0.99.11-2.EL4.1.x86_64.rpm as well as
postfix-2.1.5-4.2.RHEL4.x86_64.rpm or sendmail-8.13.1-2.x86_64.rpm.
Believe me... I was once in your shoes before when I had a 64 bit
desktop and wanted everything in 64.  However I did make sacrifices
and used i386 versions of Firefox in order to pacify my need for the
i386 only Flash plugin.  FWIW, yes you can have both architectures
living co-ed.
> It will be running in 64-bit mode. Oh, and folks will be downloading
> their mail to their machines -- admin requirement is out of my hands. I
> suspect it's because it's the only way they can force people to delete
> some of their excessive message collections.
> My question comes from having done ZERO server stuff in the past. Having
> attempted to read the Postfix docs, I find them exceedingly terse and
> mostly over my head. It's nice to have options explained, but I have no
> idea why I might or might not need some of them. The list is extremely
Postfix is extremely easy compared to Sendmail.  For the most part,
the only changes needed are related to domain and network.  IMO,
you're getting in over your head if you don't know this much. (Nothing
> For example, is it necessary to give all the 200 users their own account
> on the machine? Or can I insert a list of those for whom I receive mail
> and let them pull it off across the LAN? Do I need a POP server so they
> can do that?
It is not necessary to setup 200 accounts, however not having done
this before, I know there are ways with various MTA servers.  Here is
one with Qmail: http://qmail.3va.net/single-uid-howto.html  I'm
guessing fetchmail has a play in assisting POP3 as well for the flip side.

Yes I understand your x86 box in out of commission, so this is just
food for thought on the list.

- --
Warren Sanders
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