[CS-FSLUG] Forward or Backward WAS: Open Source Theology

dmc edoc7 at verizon.net
Sat Jun 17 04:47:32 CDT 2006

I am sorry to say that we again disagree at a
fundamental level.  You may not agree with those
in the RC denomination who teach the singular
primacy of RC but just as some in the pro-homosexual
world still declare that they do not recruit the
reality has always been just the opposite.

The Pope only recently publicly affirmed his desire
that wayward reformation era churches return to the

I attended a Roman Catholic high school '69-'73 and
the view that the RC was the only true church and all
others temporary wayward children was taught there.

I have read of and spoken with many folks from the
RC world who also promote this view.

There are apparently some profound schisms in the
RC on this matter.


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