[CS-FSLUG] Blog: Forgot Linux?

Chris Brault groundhog3000 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 31 17:50:46 CST 2005

Indeed sir,
> Well, in my estimation this is a simple thing:
> Apple simply chooses only to support DVDs on Apple 
> DVD players. This is the Apple philosophy from the 
> get-go. 

If a machine with a DVD player comes pre-installed
with M$, I expect DVD software. If a machine with a
DVD comes with MacOSx pre-installed, I also expect DVD
software. So, if a machine with a DVD has Linux
pre-installed, I expect no less.

However, when I buy a M$ disk from the local computer
warehouse, it comes with no DVD software. Neither does
OSx 10.0, 10.1 or 10.2 (all of which I have). And so
in suit neither do most Linux distro's.


> I simply wished to point out that any one who 
> gets an Apple configuration through an official
> channel will have the Mac OS X DVD player working
> of the box (and not some third party player). Buying

> a GNU/Linux distribution will not do that out of the

> box, and sadly enough, the only way to do it is
> potentially illegal.

A pre-install is not out of the box. It is the base OS
plus alot of Mac software added to provide
functionality to the peripherals. I try not to get the
base OS confused with non-base OS software. 

The fact is that a Linux distro can include any range
of software, depending on end-user needs, and this
"right out of the box". Movix for DVD and multimedia
playback, Dynabolic for Streaming and Audio/Video
editing, Novell or Redhat for business applications
and so on.

Nathan does hit the nail on the head. There are some
proprietary applications not available on Linux, and
unless you want to use Wine, you have to use Windows
simply because their base OS is the current paradigm.
I dual boot because I have to. So, we are where we
are, in a world in transition.

> Of course, other than on a laptop, I fail to see
> the need to play DVD's on a computer. Even my nice, 
> big desktop screen isn't as well 
> equipped for movie watching as a standard old TV,
> nor is my computer chair as comfortable as the sofa.

My computer is my sole source of entertainment. But
that's just because cable prices are OUTRAGEOUS.

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