Nathan T. celerate at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 00:25:29 CST 2005

Perhaps someone should suggest to them that they include both Nero and
NeroLINUX in the same box without changing the price, that way the
rest of us can feel as if we are purchasing the product for Linux and
not Windows. I think the reason they are doing this though is because
they don't include support for the Linux version, its probably an
experiment for now and they want to see what the outcome will be
before investing too much time and money into Linux.

On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 23:09:14 -0600, Timothy R. Butler <tbutler at ofb.biz> wrote:
>         Well, I guess you could just look at it as a deal where you get both
> for one price. This is sort of like how TurboTax now comes with Mac and
> Windows versions in one box.

I've always liked that idea, versions for every OS should be included
in the one box without increasing the price. With games like "Rise of
Nations" you have to buy a specialized version for each OS it
supports, so if you want to use it in both Windows and Mac OS X you
have to buy a specific copy for each.

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