Timothy R. Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Sun Mar 13 23:09:14 CST 2005

> It appears they don't even sell the Linux version by itself.  As in,
> you have to get the Windows version to get the Linux version - how
> stupid!  Maybe they just got hold of some bad acid.  I realize that
> most people dual-boot.  even so, it still doesn't make sense to market
> the software only in conjunction with the Windows version.

	Well, I guess you could just look at it as a deal where you get both 
for one price. This is sort of like how TurboTax now comes with Mac and 
Windows versions in one box.

	At any rate, I think most people will like the Nero deal (if Nero 
Linux turns out to be good... at least eventually). If you pay one 
price and can run Nero on two OSes, that's pretty nice! :-)


Timothy R. Butler       Universal Networks      www.uninet.info
==================== <tbutler at uninet.info> ====================
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