[CS-FSLUG] Penguin in the Pew - Printable Edition?

Don Parris gnumathetes at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 21:49:15 CST 2005

I very much appreciate the opinions of all on this list, and thus need
to raise a very important question about my upcoming edition of
"Penguin in the Pew".

I would like to know if any of my brethren on the list would be
interested in a printable edition of "Penguin in the Pew"?  I can set
it up through Lulu.com and use part of the funds raised through
ordering a printed, black & white edition to further my advocacy
efforts at the local level.  This would eliminate the necessity of me
developing a fundraising campaign, and also allow folks to have a hard
copy of the book.  I anticipate that the price for a printed edition
would be $8-$10 (US).  A color edition would be entirely too expensive
(closer to $20+), in my estimate.

I also have to address my own needs, so I would benefit partially from
the sales.  I won't justify that, as most of us have argued at length
that the ox should not be muzzled.  However, the book will be released
under the terms of the GNU FDL, as the current version is licensed
that way.  This will, of course, ensure free access to information.

I actually got the idea from the OpenOffice.org marketing team, which
uses copies of their books (I think from Cafe Press) in a thing called
"bookcrossings".  The idea is that they can discuss a book, what it's
about and let someone have a copy.  Meanwhile, they also have the
ability to pick up a book from someone else.  I am trying to learn
what I can about advocacy and marketing, which I believe the Christian
FOSS community would do well to learn.  Thus, in a very real sense,
I'm working hard at helping to provide a tool that Christians can use
to promote FOSS within their ministries at home (for those who are
interested in being advocates).

I look forward to your input.
DC Parris GNU Evangelist
gnumathetes at gmail.com
Free software is like God's love - 
you can share it with anyone anywhere anytime!

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