[CS-FSLUG] Hurd Development

Bradly J. McConnell bradly.mcconnell at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 21:23:22 CDT 2005

Don Parris wrote:

>I'm not sure if others have an interest in the Hurd, but I kind of
>keep an eye out for where it stands from time to time.  Here's an
>article about recent developments from a Debian/Hurd maintainer:
>I find the Hurd to be a very interesting concept, and wonder why more
>people don't get involved in its development.  I assume it has to do
>with Linux being the more exciting development at the moment, since it
>actually has momentum.  At any rate, just imagine being able to
>restart your filesystem, should it crash.  Wow!  I'd be curious what
>others have to say about the security implications of Hurd/L4.
There was a debate about the value of microkernels a few weeks ago on 
our local LUG listing.  We have one guy that is bound and determined to 
get a usuable system going - I don't know where he stands on it.  It is 
definitly not in the spotlight like GNU/Linux, and quite a few people 
haven't heard about it.  I'm going to take a look at the link you 
posted.  For the Apple folks out there - isn't the derivative of BSD 
used for OS X based on the mach kernel?  I may be wrong but I thought I 
heard that before.


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