[CS-FSLUG] Hurd Development

Don Parris gnumathetes at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 19:04:50 CDT 2005

I'm not sure if others have an interest in the Hurd, but I kind of
keep an eye out for where it stands from time to time.  Here's an
article about recent developments from a Debian/Hurd maintainer:


I find the Hurd to be a very interesting concept, and wonder why more
people don't get involved in its development.  I assume it has to do
with Linux being the more exciting development at the moment, since it
actually has momentum.  At any rate, just imagine being able to
restart your filesystem, should it crash.  Wow!  I'd be curious what
others have to say about the security implications of Hurd/L4.

DC Parris GNU Evangelist
gnumathetes at gmail.com
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