[CS-FSLUG] "When You're Tired of Walking Alone"

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Wed Dec 29 16:45:17 CST 2004

By Ron Hutchcraft
#4688 - "When You're Tired of Walking Alone"
Hebrews 13:5 

Listen to the audio broadcast!

        While I was speaking at a conference, our hosts gave my wife and me a 
picturesque cabin to stay in, right on the side of this beautiful mountain. I 
was unusually motivated to get my exercise there, believe me - because it 
involved hiking up the scenic mountain trail to the top. As I headed back 
down and neared our cabin, I had this notion that it would be nice to make 
the last stretch a romantic walk with my honey. There's a song I used to 
whistle to her outside her dorm window when we were in college and engaged - 
a song we later had sung at our wedding. It starts with the words, "Because 
you come to me." Lapsing into romantic mode, I started whistling our song. 
Little did I know that my wife wasn't there! No one came. I walked alone. 

        I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about 
"When You're Tired of Walking Alone." 

        Let's face it. Life's like that sometimes. There are times when you 
really want - you really need - someone to walk with you. And there's no one 
there. Either they won't or they can't. Sometimes people who care about us 
would like to walk with us through what we're going through, but they just 
can't - they don't understand, they don't know how to help, they're too busy 
with their own issues, or they're just not there for any one of a hundred 
reasons. Maybe as you're listening today, you are just tired of walking 

        What I'm about to say may sound too good to be true, but I would not 
offer you false hope. You don't ever have to walk alone again. The reason 
that is not just a hollow hope is because it does not depend on the love of 
some human who may be there or may not be. It depends on the love of the God 
who made you - who is always there. 

        Listen to the ironclad promise of Jesus Christ in Hebrews 13:5, our 
word for today from the Word of God. "Never will I leave you; never will I 
forsake you." Never, He says. He's offering you "never leave you" love. Some 
of Jesus' last words on earth to those who belong to Him are: "Surely I am 
with you always" (Matthew 28:20). After listing every conceivable force on 
earth, or in heaven, or in hell that might take His love away, Romans 8:39 
says: "Nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of 
God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." 

        No loopholes. No conceivable situation in which you will find Jesus 
and His love not there. But experiencing His love is not automatic. In fact, 
the Bible explains that the central reason for our loneliness and our 
aloneness is that we're living outside God's love. We're like the earth 
deciding to leave the orbit it was created for, revolving around the sun, to 
just go off on its own. All life would cease. We've all decided to run our 
own life instead of living for the One who gave us our life. We're out of the 
orbit we were created for. The Bible describes us as being "without hope and 
without God in the world" (Ephesians 2:12). Our loneliness is ultimately 
cosmic loneliness. We're lonely for God. 

        But He loves you so much He wasn't willing to lose you. So He sent 
Jesus, His one and only Son, to die for the sin that separates you from Him. 
So He could forgive you, so you could live in His love, so you could be in 
heaven with Him forever. And now that love is working inside your heart, 
drawing you His direction. This can't be a one-way love. You have to open up 
to what He died to give you, by telling Him you're placing the rest of your 
life in His hands. Hands that bear eternal evidence of His love for you - you 
can tell by the print of the nails. 

        If you're ready to make that move, to finally experience the love 
you've spent your whole life looking for, let me send you my booklet Yours 
For Life - How to Begin Life's Most Important Relationship. Just let me know 
you want it. 

        With Jesus in your life, will you ever feel lonely again? Sure, 
they'll be lonely times. But you will never be alone again. Never. You have 
His word on it.

If you're not sure you belong to Jesus, and you would like to make sure today, 
Ron would like to send to you a free copy of the booklet, "Yours for Life: 
How to Have Life's Most Important Relationship."  To read it online, click 
here: http://www.yoursforlife.net/

OR, to request your free copy of "Yours for Life," click here:

Discuss today's "A Word With You," post your comments, or encourage others in 
our discussion forum!

To find out how you can begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, 
Or, call 1-888-NEED HIM.

"A Word With You" by Ron Hutchcraft is a daily radio challenge, with 
slice-of-life illustrations and insights - providing practical help on the 
issues that matter most. If your local Christian radio station does not air 
"A Word With You," please let them know how much you value this program. Over 
six years of transcripts are available online, at 

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries is a member of the Gospel Communications Network - 

"A Word With You" is a production of:

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc.
Email: RHM at hutchcraft.com
Phone: 1-877-741-1200

Copyright (c) 2004, Ron Hutchcraft. Permission to distribute this material via 
email, or individual copies, is automatically granted on the condition it 
will be used for non-commercial purposes, and will not be sold. To reproduce 
"A Word With You" transcripts in any other format, including Internet 
websites, written permission is needed from Ron Hutchcraft.

Copyright (c) 2004, Ron Hutchcraft. Reprinted with permission. "A Word With 
You" is a radio outreach of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc.

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