[CS-FSLUG] Challenge Question

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Mon Dec 27 23:01:41 CST 2004

On Mon December 27 2004 11:03 pm, Ed Hurst wrote:


> He wants to get away from paying big bucks for a massive machine to
> filter the spam, which he now does. He never heard of reverse-DNS
> blocklisting until this week. He specifically wanted to include it. How
> would you work that in? Also, would your configuration prevent serving
> regular webpages to customers, along with the the passworded content?

What he wants to do can be done, but someone who is GOOD at editing the 
necessary scripts for sendmail, etc., is going to have to set it all up. I'd 
use SUSE Enterprise Server, by the way, because it simplifies so much of all 
this, INCLUDING setup as a mail server. Make sure the server has 2 like 
drivers and setup raid. I'd also have a built-in DLT tape drive for 
backup.....yes, you'll need SCSI.


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