[CS-FSLUG] Prayer Request - My Pa

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sun Dec 26 23:01:29 CST 2004

On Sun December 26 2004 11:33 pm, Don Parris wrote:
> When I got home from church today, we had a call from Pa's house -
> Since I had just spoken with him yesterday, I assumed that either my
> brother was calling or that something was wrong.  Well, it was both.
> My brother took Pa into the ER with "consistent" chest pains, and he
> is staying overnight for testing.
> Tyler said he didn't think there was anything serious, but they
> wouldn't just let Pa walk out, having had chest pains.  Could be
> anything at all, really.
> Pa's name is Del.  He lives in West Virginia, and my brother had flown
> in from Seattle last night.  I guess it's a good thing he got there
> when he did.  Anyway, I just thought I would ask your prayers.  That's
> one advantage of this list.  It's not just about Linux or even just IT
> - it has a lot to do with fellowship.
> Christmas was pretty good otherwise, and I hope yours was as well.

Yes, it was a very nice Christmas....thanks Don. I am sorry to hear about Del, 
and I'll take care of a pray here in a min. for him. If we put him in God's 
hands, then all will be according to His plan.....and it doesn't get any 
better than that.


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