[CS-FSLUG] OOo in Hebrew

Don Parris gnumathetes at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 00:28:19 CST 2004

I believe we havea member livin Israel.  Any chance of getting this
young lady some help with this:

Last week I went up north here in Israel, to help a school which decided
to divered from the "MS package" the ministry of education is giving
schools, and instead going with a Linux based solution provided by
kanney (http://www.kannery.com ) which will use OpenOffice.

As this is an elemnty school, support for Hebrew diacritics in documents
is very importent for them. This works well under OOo for Windows, but
is broken for OOo on Linux (and probably won't be fixed by the time 2.0
will be out):

This is a "model project"- the ministry of education is following it
closely, and will perhaps deploy OOo in more schools if this goes well.

I was standing in front of the teachers which will be using OpenOffice,
and was asked: "does it support Hebrew diacritics?"

Talk about frustration. Yes, you will have them when you work with OOo
on your Windows computer at home. But when you would like to work at
school, you can't, 'cause it's broken and I don't know when it is going
to be fixed. 
Shoshannah Forbes

Just hoping someone on the list knows of a work-around, or something
for the problem.

DC Parris GNU Evangelist
gnumathetes at gmail.com
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