[CS-FSLUG] Fedora overtakes Mandrake on Distrowatch!

N. Thompson n.thomp at sasktel.net
Mon Dec 13 01:13:32 CST 2004

This is the very first time ever since all that hype about Yoper that Mandrake 
hasn't been #1 on Distrowatch's side panel. Usually Mandrake has a 
significant lead but now Fedora overtook it by just two hits! SUSE's not far 
behind with just 390 less hits.

The current top five are:
1	Fedora		1415
2	Mandrake	1413
3	SUSE		1103
4	MEPIS		  998
5	Debian		  961

Fedora hasn't just had a release so does this shift mean that its gaining more 
popularity then Mandrake, or is Mandrake loosing popularity?

More detailed statistics can be found here:

Anyone care to comment on this?

Any Fedora users care to gloat* perhaps? ;-)

* not that malicious kind of gloating of course.

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