[CS-FSLUG] My turn for being clueless

Ed Hurst ehurst at asisaid.com
Tue Dec 7 16:15:45 CST 2004

Alvin Smith wrote:
> Firstly, take a look at this:
> http://www.lugbe.ch/lostfound/contrib/freebsd_router/

Got it.

> As for the Windows system, PPoE does not come into play.  
> All you have to do is configure the network using DHCP, or manually using the 
> freebsd box as the default gateway, and the first DNS server followed by your 
> ISP's DNS servers.

Okay, that seems to be the consensus. FreeBSD handles packet forwarding
quite simply, from what I can tell. It appears to be different what I
once read about Linux.

> If you just want a simple dialup router/firewall, and you have an old computer 
> with a floppy drive and a hardware modem, and a NIC, then look at this:
> http://www.freesco.org/

The objective is for me to learn networking with FreeBSD. In the back of
my mind, I'm fully expecting to be called to a church somewhere, and
most of the ones I've written are in areas with broadband. Given the
probably time frame, I've got about two months to work through all the
nit-picking details.

Ed Hurst
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