[CS-FSLUG] My turn for being clueless

Ed Hurst ehurst at asisaid.com
Tue Dec 7 13:41:18 CST 2004

Frank Bax wrote:

> I would attempt to install a DHCP server on the FreeBSD system.  Two reasons:
> 1) The default install on WinXP for network cards is to expect a DHCP server.
> 2) DHCP server on FreeBSD will not only give the WinXP system an ip 
> address, it should also provide ip addresses for dns servers so WinXP can 
> "seamlessly" access the internet.

For this part, I have the advice from a win-tech who says simply tell XP
to use PPPoE and tell it the connection is always on.

As for the DNS, I have my box set to obtain the IP dynamically, and it
updates /etc/resolv.conf every time I connect. Adding a DHCP server to
my box would be something I don't yet know how to do. My preliminary
understanding is that my machine would handle this as part of the
routing process itself under NAT, etc.

Ed Hurst
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