[CS-FSLUG] Strange log messages

Josiah Ritchie jritchie at bible.edu
Tue Dec 7 12:53:08 CST 2004

On Tue, 2004-12-07 at 12:38 -0600, Tim Young wrote:
> Many of the defaults for the program are actually distro dependent.  For example,
> one of the defaults that I detest is that Fedora Core 1 & 2 (have not tested 3) has
> a default of logging certain kernel logs to the console.  If you install a firewall
> that has good logging, suddenly the console is bombarded with massive logging.
> Makes the console nearly impossible to use.  (Yuck).

Why... nevermind. That is the strangest default setting I've heard of to

> The reason I asked what distro was because Fedora (up until FC2) does not have that
> as the default.  I am fully aware that someone who is used to Fedora may be totally
> clueless about the rest of the world's defaults.  RedHat and Fedora have a lot of
> odd settings that separate them from the rest of the world.  So much of my knowledge
> does not apply to other distros.

That makes sense now. I won't bother asking their motivation.


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