[CS-FSLUG] Dual-Display Bible Apps??

Don Parris gnumathetes at gmail.com
Sun Dec 5 22:02:55 CST 2004

Can anyone offer any info on dual-head-capable Bible apps (Win32)? 
Below is the question from a young co-worker (agnostic, btw) working
with a pastor.  Pray for the young fellow (Robert Miller is his name).
 I've got a great technical-oriented relationship, and hope to have
some spiritual influence as well.  I'd really hate to see a kid as
bright as he is go to Hell! ;)

I led him to GNU/Linux.  He's also the one who asked about merging two
files - which he's working on now.  Now if we can lead him to Jesus,
we'll have accomplished an even greater  work for God's Kingdom.

Anyway, here's his dilemma:

"I need a win32 app that can display strong concordance definitions on
a dual head display. I'm working with a church that is running PC
Study Bible, and they don't want the interface that is attached. Any

The Pastor wants to look up information on words in the scripture on
the fly and show them to the congregation with a projector connected
to display 2.
He's got a setup where he can display Powerpoint/slideshow-like media
already, but he wants 'flexibility', and apparently doesn't have his
sermons planned out in advance.

I'll take a look at Sword project, to see if I can make it do what I
want on my PC, but without a true dual-headed display, I don't know
how that will work.

Can you make it display a selection of text very large, without any
interface showing?"

Essentially, I gather the pastor wants the Scriptures displayed on
Screen #1, and the concordance/lexical info displayed on Screen #2. 
Since I've never had big screen displays to worry about, this one is
out of my league.

DC Parris GNU Evangelist
gnumathetes at gmail.com
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