[CS-FSLUG] US History: Pastors in Civil Government

Don Parris gnumathetes at gmail.com
Sun Dec 5 21:36:48 CST 2004

I've just seen David Barton's "The Role of Pastors and Christians in
Civil Government", which presents arguments to counter the claims of
modern historians that our founding fathers were largely "atheists,
agnostics, and deists".  The hour-long DVD video cites official
documents, letters, books, and other writings that indicate the depth
of the Church's involvement in forming our nation.

Chief Justices, governors (even Ben Franklin), and numerous other
statesmen connect America's birth to Christianity.  Several of the
signers of the Declaration of Independence were also ministers. 
President James Garfield was a minister who had preached revivals. 
Sermons were preached, and the Bible was studied, on numerous special
occasions, including at the constitutional convention, hangings
(notably, the justice in a treason tial preached, and urged the guilty
man to accept Christ), and congressional sessions.

I found it informative, and interesting at the same time.  Brief
re-enactments, voiced-over quotes, etc., bring Barton's lecture to
life.  A co-worker let me borrow a copy, but the videos mostly run @
$20 from the WallBuilders website.  I thought it would be of great
interest to all of us on ChristianSource.  While I realize the
political season is over, this is of historical interest, and is thus
intended for that purpose.


DC Parris GNU Evangelist
gnumathetes at gmail.com
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