[CS-FSLUG] The Truth About Soy

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sun Dec 5 17:55:51 CST 2004

            The Truth About Soy 
            While the food industry is busy praising soy's so-called health 
benefits such as lowering cholesterol, fighting osteoporosis and even 
reducing the risks of some cancers, researchers are discovering quite the 
opposite. In fact, it was discovered that consuming soy might be linked to:

              a.. Reduced male fertility 
              b.. Increased risk of certain types of cancers 
              c.. Damaged brain function in men 
              d.. Developmental abnormalities in infants 
              e.. Early onset of puberty in western women 
            With all these negative side effects from eating soy, many may 
think the simple solution is to stop eating it all together. If only it were 
that simple. Soy can be found in just about every food product available, as 
it is present in more than 70 percent of all supermarket products and is 
widely used in most fast food chains. Foods containing soy include a wide 
range of processed products, from hamburgers to breakfast cereals and 

            Why is soy so popular? One reason is that it is a cheap source of 
protein. Every aspect of the product is used -- from the bean down to the 

            However, many foods will not list soy as an ingredient on their 
labels. For example, the soybean produces a substance, lecithin, which is an 
important ingredient of baking that prevents other ingredients from 
separating. Food labels on chocolate bars and cakes will list lecithin as an 
ingredient instead of soy. Similarly, the oil extracted from soy is used in 
salad dressing and cooking oils. Thus, food labels on these products will 
simply list vegetable oil rather than soy oil.

            Further, about 90 percent of the 200 million tons of soy produced 
each year is used to feed animals. Therefore, whether one consumes beef, 
lamb, bacon or processed chicken, chances are that animal was fed a soy diet, 
making it virtually impossible not to consume soy when eating any type of 

            Although avoiding foods containing soy is a problem for most, an 
even bigger problem has surfaced: Satellite imaging data has shown there has 
been a 40 percent jump in deforestization in the Amazon rainforests. Much of 
this horrific destruction is due to illegal logging of land to produce soy. 
In addition, as protected forests are destroyed to make room for soy, peasant 
farmers who have been living off the land for generations will be forced from 
their homes with nowhere to go.

            Thus, soy has proven to do more harm than good. One doctor even 
compared eating soy to playing roulette: "You just don't know."

            The Guardian November 7, 2004


            Dr. Mercola's Comment:

            First of all, understand I am in no way opposed to soy 
consumption, only unfermented soy consumption. Fermented soy, which includes 
natto, miso and tempeh, is a healthy food and should be consumed by the 
masses. As I've written before, the enzyme nattokinase -- derived from natto 
-- is a safer more powerful option than aspirin that can dissolve blood clots 
and has been used safely for more than 20 years.

            On the other hand, eating unfermented soy, or "bad soy" can harm 
you. Why? For one, soy's phytoestrogens can mimic the effects of the female 
hormone estrogen, which have been found to have adverse effects on various 
human tissues. Drinking even two glasses of soy milk daily for one month has 
enough of the chemical to alter a woman's menstrual cycle. The FDA regulates 
estrogen-containing products, however no warnings exist on soy. 

            Also, phytic acid, which contains anti-nutritive properties, is 
present in unfermented soy products. This poses a problem because phytic acid 
binds with certain nutrients and inhibits their absorption, which is a 
direct, physical effect that takes place in the digestive system. Fermented 
soy, however, stops the effect of phytic acid and increases the availability 
of phytoestrogens. The fermentation also creates the probiotics -- the "good" 
bacteria the body is absolutely dependent on -- that INCREASES the quantity, 
availability, digestibility and assimilation of nutrients in the body. 

            Moreover, soy is particularly problematic for infants, as soy 
formula is an abomination that has caused much damage to the children of this 
country. It has been estimated that infants who are fed soy formula 
exclusively receive five birth control pills worth of estrogen every day. 

            Thus, it is important to stick to fermented soy in order to reap 
the benefits of soy consumption. So remember, pass up the processed soy 
milks, soy "burgers," soy "ice cream," soy "cheese" and the myriad of other 
soy junk foods that are so readily disguised as health foods.

            If you find it difficult to cut out soy diary products from your 
diet, I suggest trying Body Ecology Kefir. Kefir's tart and refreshing flavor 
is similar to a drinking-style yogurt, but it contains beneficial yeast as 
well as the friendly "probiotic" bacteria found in yogurt. Simply take one 
packet and combine with your favorite raw milk or coconut juice. It tastes 
great plain, with your favorite fruit, or it makes a great base for 
smoothies, dips, and salad dressings. 

            (Note: If you register in the Mercola.com Total Health Sweepstakes 
now -- and order the Kefir Starter -- you will get a FREE hardbound edition 
of The Maker's Diet: The 40-Day Health Experience that Will Change Your Life 
Forever by Jordan Rubin!)

            Related Articles:

              The Shadow of Soy

              Think Soy is Healthy? Here’s Why it’s Not as Good as You Think

              Soy Maker Omits Studies That Soy May Cause Cancer

              If You're Suffering From a Medical Problem Caused by Soy, you 
May Now be Able to Take Legal Action!

              Newest Research On Why You Should Avoid Soy

            ©Copyright 2004 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved. This 
content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and 
information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a 
not-for-profit format. If any other use is desired, permission in writing 
from Dr. Mercola is required.

            Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the 
opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are 
based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as 
marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a 
one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not 
intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and 
information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his 
community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions 
based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care 


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