[OFB Cafe] windows

saki tjmc at torhouse.eclipse.co.uk
Tue Mar 3 02:14:57 CST 2009

Rick Bowers wrote:
> Don,
> I've been wondering why you have been so quiet. I usually see posts from 
> you.
> So sorry to hear you've been depressed. I think a lot of us are feeling 
> the squeeze. For now, I'm hoping like mad I keep my job. I can't afford 
> to even retire. But, things will get better.
> Chin up, soldier ;-)

This side of the pond it's much the same. There is not a lot to be 
cheerful about with the Government and the economy out of control.

I cannot understand why there is no great outcry about the politicians 
who made the regulations, but there is against those who worked within them.

Like you, Rick, I can't afford to retire yet, but at least I'm fit and 
healthy, and enjoy working, so I can't really complain.

(My retirement plan went bust after the Government changed the law with 
the so-called "Care in The Community Act")

Don, if you are looking for something to do, why doesn't the list think 
up a collaborative project to which we can all contribute?

There must be something our collective wisdom could come up with, and it 
may even be of use, or interest, to a wider community in time.

I'll try and think of something if you all think it could be fun, 
especially if Don does succeed with producing a beer tree from his rose 


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