[OFB Cafe] The TRUTH about John McCain

Donald R Spoon drspoon at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 23 01:02:33 CDT 2008

For a better view of the "truth" maybe you would also like to read from 
this LIBERAL news site:


Be sure to read all the "Updates" as the guy states he is a "Liberal 

BTW, Col. Ted Guy died in 1999.  I doubt seriously he said what the 
article states.  I am checking up on this with my "sources", who 
actually lived with Senator McCain during his captivity.  Col Guy is 
widely publicized as the "SRO", but in reality he was the Senior Ranking 
Officer of only a small group, which contained some malcontents and 
traitors.  I don't think McCain was in this group, but I will check.

I went to the "US Veterans Dispach" web site, which I had to get by 
wading through all that nauseating BS.  All I needed to know is that the 
publisher is Ted Sampley.   Do you know what a scum-bag he is??  Read 
some of the updates in the above link.  Also, here is another section of 
that site devoted entirely to him:  
http://www.miafacts.org/prankster.htm  This guy couldn't recognize 
"truth" if it hit him in the head!  He hates McCain because McCain 
exposed his scam he was running for profit off the POWs and POW 
families.  Sampley  is the dregs of society!

I speak from a position of authority:


After this, you can believe what you want.  "You can lead a horse to 
water, but you can't make him drink!"

-Don Spoon-

Fred Smith wrote:
> >From a conservative news site written during the 2004 election:
> John McCain the second-term Republican senator from Arizona and former
> Navy pilot captured and held prisoner during the Vietnam War, is a
> fraud, collaborator, and danger to the security of the United States
> because he is being black-mailed by the communist Vietnamese. He is a
> phony--a "rhinestone hero."
> While a prisoner of war, McCain was treated as a "special prisoner,"
> with privileges including being given his own private and affectionate
> nurse.
> McCain's treatment as a "special prisoner" is a contradiction to his
> much publicized image of a great war hero who was severely tortured
> and kept in solitary confinement for long periods of time because he
> refused to break during interrogation.
> Ted Guy, a former Air Force Colonel held 5 1/2 years by the Vietnamese
> and McCain's senior ranking officer (SRO) in the POW camp, told the
> U.S. Veteran Dispatch he cannot remember the communists ever laying a
> hand on McCain.
> Other sources have told the U.S. Veteran Dispatch that the Vietnamese
> are holding as much as fifty hours of film footage secretly taken of
> McCain during the time his KGB-trained handlers had him isolated from
> other U.S. prisoners of war.
> [...]

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