[OFB Cafe] Political Challenge

Fred Smith fps at xicada.com
Tue Oct 28 15:56:11 CDT 2008

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 3:56 PM, Timothy Butler <tbutler at ofb.biz> wrote:
>        Indeed. President Bush is an albatross (justly or not) for any
> politician who can be associated with him in any way. As some have pointed
> out, having an "association" with the president is looked on as far worse
> than having an association with a terrorist like Bill Ayres (which Obama has
> had some past connections with -- debatably either close ties or rather
> insignificant ones, but probably almost as strong as McCain had with his old
> enemy Bush).


As far as the whole Ayres thing goes, let's look at the facts:

40 years ago, when Obama was 8 years old, Bill Ayres formed a group
that was responsible for the deaths of 3 of their own members and no
one else. Bill Ayres and Barack Obama have been in the same room
exactly 12 times since then, for meetings of a Chicago charity of
which they were both members.

15 years ago, Joe Vogler, working with his Alaskan Independence
terrorist group, was killed when buying black market plastic
explosives. The Alaskan Independence party was, and still is, funded
by Iran, and believes in the secession of Alaska from the United
States by violent means. Todd Palin has been a registered member of
that group since 1996. Sarah Palin spoke at that group's annual
convention in 2008.


It's really hard to watch the GOP keep trotting out Ayres as Obama's
skeleton in the closet when Palin is an active supporter of a domestic
terrorist group. The fact is that the racists supporting McCain would
rather put an Iranian funded terrorist like Palin a heartbeat away
from the white house than let a black person anywhere near it.

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