[OFB Cafe] Political Challenge

Kris Deugau kdeugau at deepnet.cx
Tue Oct 28 10:12:48 CDT 2008

(Haven't seen any postings here in a few days;  kept meaning to reply on 
this but got too busy/tired.)

Timothy Butler wrote:
>     I've been trying to catch up a bit on your elections, but I'd be 
> curious to hear you say what you see as the key distinctions between the 
> Liberal and Conservative parties, since I presume one of them will win...

Currently at least, the Conservatives seem to be much more in favour of 
negative incentives on social issues instead of rewarding the desired 
behaviour - targetting the symptoms instead of the deeper problems. 
("Ban <x>"  seems to be a popular chorus;  history has shown that it's 
really not useful unless you can absolutely guarantee control of the 
supply of <x>.  Today's <x> seems to be handguns.)

I can't say I really see much further distinction between the two 
otherwise, although to be honest I haven't paid a great deal of 
attention (too many other things occupying my time) and I'm a young'un 
with only a few federal elections under my belt.  <g>

>     It sounds like Premier

(Prime Minister, actually - "Premier" is the title  for the leaders of 
the provinces and territories.  <g>)

> Harper has the same problem Sen. McCain does 
> with the "Bush effect..."

In the sense that he's being compared or likened to GWB, yes.  Depending 
on how you look at the statistics, sentiment against essentially 
becoming a clone of the US ranges from "more than half" to "almost 2/3" 
or so, with the usual regional variations giving the national leaders a 
good headache.  ;)

(gonna send this now before I procrastinate it further...)

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