[OFB Cafe] NRA Propaganda

Fred Smith fps at xicada.com
Thu Oct 9 07:20:33 CDT 2008

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 1:14 AM, Chris Olson <chris.olson at live.com> wrote:
> I am a life NRA member and it has come to my attention that the NRA is
> circulating and airing ads containing blatantly false and misleading
> information during this presidential election.  I joined the NRA to protect
> my rights as a gun owner, not to have my money spent on circulating libelous
> material about a presidential candidate's stance on gun issues.

Yes, the NRA is blatantly lying about Senator Obama's stance on every
issue that they are pushing.  However, the NRA has never been
interested in protecting your second amendment rights, it's interested
in protecting your right to home defense, your right to hunt, and your
right to target shoot.  None of those rights have anything to do with
the second amendment.  The second amendment is about your right to
overthrow the US Government, and Senator Obama opposes that right. So
does Senator McCain.

If you want to overthrow the US Government, you need the right to own:

Armor piercing rounds.
Fully automatic assault weapons.
Heavy artillery.
Surface to air missiles.

These are the basic tools that an armed resistance would need against
the US Military. A bunch of NRA members with shotguns and hunting
rifles would last about 30 seconds. A handgun is going to be next to
worthless against an armored humvee or a soldier in kevlar.  Both
parties oppose ownership of these tools, but the republicans, with
their "war on terror", are worse than the democrats on this one.

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