[OFB Cafe] is there some flaky .avi spec we don't know about?

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Sat Mar 1 14:07:11 CST 2008

> thanks, tim . . .
> i don't suppose there's an easy converter, is there? the one mpeg i  
> ripped
> directly from the dvd had serious -- we're talking 10 seconds off  
> -- audio
> sync issues.

	Glad to be of service, dep!

	I seem to recall having some trouble with it before, but you might try:


	Alternately, if you have access to the Mac you were testing this on,  
I have good luck with getting the AVI to work with:


	Which will add various video support codecs to QuickTime -- even  
Flash video! These can then be imported/exported using QuickTime Pro.  
Finally, on Mac or Windows, check out:


	MPEG StreamClip works really well for me.


Timothy R. Butler | "The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the  
Editor, OfB.biz   | The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the  
tbutler at ofb.biz   | Licked  its  tongue  into the  corners  of  the   
timothybutler.us  | Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains."
T.S. Eliot

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