[OFB Cafe] Who's Still on Here?

Steven Hatfield stevenhatfield at mac.com
Thu Jun 26 06:37:38 CDT 2008

On Jun 26, 2008, at 2:23 AM, saki wrote:

> Fred Smith wrote:
>> You've got it backwards kid. Surely no one with an ounce of logic
>> could support a senile old warhawk like McCain.  4 more years of
>> domestic spying, uncontrolled military spending, random senseless  
>> wars
>> and unchecked government growth are the last thing that this, or any
>> country needs.
> I think you confuse (as so many liberals do) your emotions for logic.
> Pity really.
> Terence

Here is some logic for you:

* Domestic spying = for years it has been and always should be  
ILLEGAL, and rightfully so - it invades the privacy of innocent people  
without just cause. If someone wants to invade my privacy, they better  
have a damned good reason to do so. What I say to my wife and daughter  
on the phone is nobody's business but my own.

* Uncontrolled military spending = NOT CONSERVATIVE, it wastes  
taxpayer money. The military should only be as big as it has to be to  
keep the defensively country safe. In war, the best offense is a good  
defense, as in "You send your nukes; I'll send mine.", or maybe "each  
flight will have an armed air marshall that will blow the face off of  
anyone who tries to hijack it". That might have saved a few lives on  
9/11/2001, since the hijackers would have been bringing box cutters to  
a gun fight.

* Random senseless wars = EVIL, because IT KILLS INNOCENT PEOPLE! (But  
maybe that is the point? "Kill em all, let God sort them out" seems to  
be our current strategery in the Middle East.)

* Unchecked government growth = NOT CONSERVATIVE, it wastes taxpayer  

Yet this is what the "conservative" Republicans have done for the last  
8 years. Create a new department (of homeland security), pay telcos to  
let them spy on innocent civilians in AMERICA, lie to the public, go  
to war, funnel millions of dollars every day into large multinational  
corporations (such as Blackwater, a Christian organization, Haliburton  
and others) that rape and kill with impunity.

If you are a decent human being, you think that this is illogical (and  
lets face it, PURE EVIL) and should not continue.

If you are racist and "hate the rag-heads", then this is good news to  
you, for many thousands of Iraqis have been killed in the illegal  
war... but that would just be an emotional way of dealing with your  

Call it "liberal" all you want; I guess I am more logical than  
emotional when it comes to how people should treat each other.  McCain  
would stay the course in Iraq for the next 4 to 8 years, raping,  
pillaging and murdering as he goes through the middle east while Obama  
has vowed to stop this nonsense.  On that very basis alone, I will  
vote for Obama.

Provided that some racist prick doesn't assassinate him first.


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