[OFB Cafe] LIST ADMIN: KILL THREAD: Re: Liberals Run From First Amendment Support

saki tjmc at torhouse.eclipse.co.uk
Mon Jul 28 16:19:09 CDT 2008

Timothy Butler wrote:
> 	I'd respond to this thread, but I'm going to let it suffice to remind  
> the list again of one of the key tenants of the list rules that I have  
> already posted once this week. Debates are about ideas, not people.  
> The list is developing a rather bad atmosphere at the moment because  
> of the violation of this rule, and people are starting to leave.

 From my side of the pond the view of American politics is, for me, a 
somewhat strange one. I know that there is always a tendency for two 
opponents in an argument to move to more extreme, or polar positions, 
but the Republican/Democratic debate that is often presented seems to go 
from an initial statement of fact to hyperbolas of rant, little logic 
and a great deal of emotional involvement in no time flat.

The extreme views and "facts" offered on both sides do little for debate 
in a calm manner, and the detached, or objective person has really no 
voice that will be heard.

I know that "politics is politics" wherever you are, but it seems to me 
that American politics is more about (or even all) about personalities. 
Obama has, for some, the charisma that McCain apparently lacks, so (as I 
see it) his comparative lack of experience and effect as a senator is 
hardly commented upon.

I will stress that this is not intended to be a partisan posting, but 
one about relative differences in political systems, cultures etc.. Do 
you US Americans really feel that there is no middle ground; does the 
most charismatic/good looking/youthful candidate always get the 
nomination and the Presidential Seal? Is dishing the dirt the only way 
to debate a person's presidential suitability? I would like to think not.

If someone is feeling both kind and brave, could they list for me the 
major policy differences between McCain and Obama- one seems to say only 
that things are moving forward, and the other that it is time for a 
change (although what is moving forward- apart from just moving- and 
what the changes are that are apparently needed is unclear to me).

If nothing else, this post may unite both ends of the spectrum in an 
anti-Brit flame-fest ; )

And if you want to point out that sound bites and inane grins got Blair 
the leadership of the Labour Party, I will be forced to agree that 
similar (but I think less extreme) things happen here too.


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