[OFB Cafe] Bio Fuels

Steven Hatfield stevenhatfield at mac.com
Wed Jul 23 08:30:31 CDT 2008

On Jul 23, 2008, at 9:04 AM, Chris Olson wrote:

> From: "saki"
>> What an amazing cultural sub-set! I'm glad I don't belong to any  
>> group
>> that uses violence to make and "prove" their point.
> Oh, but you do.  It's called the human race.  In fact, every  
> creature on earth
> uses violence to make and "prove" their point.  You have two prides  
> of lions
> that each mark their territory.  If one pride invades the other's  
> territory,
> they fight over it.  You  have two bucks that want the same doe.   
> They fight
> over her and the winner gets her.  You have a cute litter of little  
> puppies
> nursing on the bitch.  The biggest one muscles its way in and the  
> runt of the
> litter goes without.
> It's said "the meek shall inherit the earth".  Man, in his infinite  
> wisdom, is
> once again totally out of tune with nature.  The meek suck hind tit  
> and only the
> strong survive.
> --
> Chris

"The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth" was adapted from the Beatitudes  
from the Sermon on the Mount. It's man writing about how they "wish"  
the world would be, rather than how the world *really is*. "Do unto  
others", "Thou shalt not... or else!". It's all man made rubbish that  
we all try to live by so that we can sleep at night without sleeping  
with a gun under our pillows (although I think Chris still does ;-))

It is indeed a "survival of the fittest" world, and anyone who doubts  
that has spent too many days eating at Burger King and not thinking  
about where those Burgers actually come from.
We all need to eat, and when there is nothing to eat but humans,  
humans will eat humans. It's not only fact, but man's history!  Early  
English colonizers of "The New World" couldn't figure out how to till  
the land and when these self described "civilized beings" began  
starving they started gnawing on each other until black slaves were  
brought in to show them how to grow their own food.

Chris apparently knows this more than most everyone else on this list;  
mostly because he lives "in the wild", and not suckling at the tit of  
urban civilization. We all have a lot to learn from him; some more  
than others.

And in reference to belonging to a group that uses violence to prove a  
point, Terence should know better than to say what he said, as  
tragically there are British troops in Iraq using violence to prove an  
invalid point as we write this. At least France had the good sense to  
stay out of it...


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