[OFB Cafe] Bio Fuels

Chris Olson chris.olson at live.com
Wed Jul 23 08:04:37 CDT 2008

From: "saki"

> What an amazing cultural sub-set! I'm glad I don't belong to any group
> that uses violence to make and "prove" their point.

Oh, but you do.  It's called the human race.  In fact, every creature on earth 
uses violence to make and "prove" their point.  You have two prides of lions 
that each mark their territory.  If one pride invades the other's territory, 
they fight over it.  You  have two bucks that want the same doe.  They fight 
over her and the winner gets her.  You have a cute litter of little puppies 
nursing on the bitch.  The biggest one muscles its way in and the runt of the 
litter goes without.

It's said "the meek shall inherit the earth".  Man, in his infinite wisdom, is 
once again totally out of tune with nature.  The meek suck hind tit and only the 
strong survive.

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