[OFB Cafe] Bio Fuels

Chris Olson chris.olson at live.com
Tue Jul 22 22:12:19 CDT 2008

From: "Timothy Butler" <tbutler at ofb.biz>

> I did say "relatively efficient." For the one person people mover
> business, it's over double the efficiency of my old Jeep. Given that
> I'm not in the mood to haul myself and several hundred of my closest
> friends, the point ends up being moot.

Of course it's a moot point.  This is why I have little sympathy for Americans 
when they start complaining about paying $10 a gallon for gasoline, which will 
eventually come.  Make no mistake - the price of energy is high now because of a 
weak American dollar and speculators bidding up commodities as a hedge against 
inflation.  But it's also because of Asian demand - in particular, China. 
Petroleum is a finite source and it's only going to get more expensive as time 
goes on and worldwide demand continues to increase.

How high does the price of convenience have to get before switching from 
personal transportation to mass transit starts to look more attractive?

For Americans I think it's pretty high simply because it's the American Way, 
we're the top per-capita consuming nation of gasoline on earth, we're proud of 
it, and we're going to live in our cars, by cracky, until the last dog is hung. 
Simply because we're "not in the mood" to have to deal with inconvenience, and 
we're going to burn that good old crude oil until the last drop flows from the 
well, then worry about it.  Ethanol is a joke.  Biodiesel isn't a good solution. 
Just kill a bunch of sand pounders, steal their oil and everything will be 
great.  Elect McCain - He'll Git 'er Done.  Right?

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