[OFB Cafe] Congress hard at work

Chris Olson chris.olson at live.com
Fri Jul 18 08:17:11 CDT 2008

My wife, being a car collector and car nut, and having three Corvettes in her collection, pointed this one out to me.

Congress designated June 30 National Corvette Day.  The congressional designation was actually due to the influence of a special interest group, Mid America Motorworks, who makes aftermarket parts and accessories for Corvettes.


This is significant for all Americans.  If you think your car deserves a day of official national recognition, just write your congressional representative and Git 'er Done!  Our lawmakers can't seem to curb unregulated speculator bidding on the commodity markets, do anything about the Iraq War, or even wipe their own ass.  But they can establish National Corvette Day with a swipe of the pen when a special interest group "donates" to their campaign fund.

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