[OFB Cafe] Photographers?

Chris Olson chris.olson at live.com
Wed Jul 16 22:05:33 CDT 2008

From: dep 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 9:02 PM
To: An Open Discussion Forum on Just About Everything,Especially for Techies. 
Subject: Re: [OFB Cafe] Photographers?

> ha. i use a 1967 gravely convertable! what's the point in firing up a 
> tractor if you're reasonably sure you'll be coming back alive?

What's "coming back alive" got anything to do with it?

I like my lawn tractor.  It has a 22 hp Yanmar 3 cyl diesel engine in it, live hydraulics, PTO, power steering and hydrostatic transmission.  Our yard is about 5 acres, we have a 7 acre apple orchard, and my wife's garden is a little over an acre.  We groom and take care of the whole works with that little tractor.  It has 2,700 hours on it and has never required a single repair outside of replacing the belt in the mower deck several times, a new set of rear tires once, replaced the battery once, and the latest thing it has wrong - the fuel gauge quit working and I haven't looked at it yet (probably the sender).

And it's efficient.  That little Yanmar diesel burns about 1 pt of diesel fuel per hour at full load.  I'd venture that I can mow my whole front yard on less fuel than it takes to start your old Gravely and warm it up.

When I need to do a big job, like chisel plow 130 acres before dinner time, I use my Cat Challenger (photo #35 in this album):

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