[OFB Cafe] Gore's New Energy Device

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Mon Jul 14 11:45:37 CDT 2008

Former VP Al Gore has now introduced an energy efficient recovery device 
for popular use.  It should be on the market shortly.  The device is 
designed to recover methane gas and compress it so it can be burned like 
propane for heating and for use in generators to deliver electricity.

The device is a small compressor with an intake that pumps methane into 
a small compressed gas tank a little bigger than a CO2 cartridge.  The 
methane is then harvested into a larger than that can be used directly 
or sold to processing centers.

The devices are designed to be attached to the top of a cows tail near 
the "action center".  It has a methane sensor that triggers the pump to 
engage when methane concentration rises above 100 parts per million.  It 
is estimated the methane recovery system can reduce America's oil 
dependence by an amount equivalent to Al Gore's energy use per year. 
The reduction of energy costs may be astronomical if they can figure out 
how to get Al Gore, Hillary, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Palosi, Reid, and Obama 
to wear one around their necks!

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