[OFB Cafe] My first post (here)

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Wed Jul 9 16:41:31 CDT 2008

>> 	They need your SSN because AT&T requires an SSN for new service
>> activation (for a credit check, I'm fairly certain).
> Of course, that doesn't really answer why they _need_ it.  It's  
> illegal to ask
> for the equivalent here in Canada, but then we can't get an iPhone  
> either...

	You're hard pressed to get phone service in the U.S. from a major  
provider without giving out your SSN. Just calling AT&T for a wired  
phone service quote leads to a "can we have your social, please?"  
request so that they can do a credit check.

	Hey, you can get the iPhone in two days through Rogers. Doesn't sound  
like the greatest plan in the world, though...


Timothy R. Butler | "Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in.
Editor, OfB.biz   |  Aim at earth and you get neither."
tbutler at ofb.biz   |                                   -- C.S. Lewis
timothybutler.us  |

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