[OFB Cafe] anybody know anything about kde icon themes?

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Thu Jan 24 16:16:52 CST 2008

Timothy Butler wrote:
>> january is when computers break -- i think it's the static.
>> sounds as if you are keeping busy, anyway.
> 	Yes, indeed; sounds like you are as well.
>> | 	How about yourself?
>> 'twixt the music business, writing, and travel, pretty busy. just put
>> together a new machine, after five years with the old one. amd 5000 
>> + w/4
>> gigs and my first sata hard drive. wish i could say it's oodles faster
>> than the old one, but i don't see a lot of difference -- then  
>> again, i'm
>> not compiling much stuff anymore; the ubuntu/debian tools make staying
>> current pretty easy.
> 	Yeah, I tired of manually compiling everything too. That sounds like  
> a nicely spec'ed system.
> 	<flamebait to get the list going>You should switch to GNOME -- it'd  
> help with the slowness.</flamebait to get the list going>
> 	I'm still over in the Mac universe myself, running on my aging, but  
> still rather perky PowerMac G5. I need to upgrade the OS on this  
> system. My laptop is running OS X Leopard, but my desktop is still on  
> Tiger (mostly from lack of time to get it upgraded).
>> until we get to kde4. i'm getting too old for this . . .
> 	Nah. One can never get to old to test out new desktop environments  
> and see what havoc they wreck on a system.

And, I see you haven't "gone there" yet. :)


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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