[OFB Cafe] PD: Something to Fan the Flames... OFB Endorses Candidates

dep dep at drippingwithirony.com
Sat Feb 2 11:02:58 CST 2008

said Fred Smith:

| You say "gets wrecked" as if it isn't already.  

that's because it isn't.

| The economy has tanked, we're the least liked country since Nazi Germany,

by what standard has the economy tanked? unemployment is at historically 
record lows; personal income is at historical highs; inflation is all but 
nonexistent; interest rates are on the low end -- remember carter and 21 
percent mortgages? -- and except for liberal media proclaiming the economy 
is in trouble, there is no suggestion that it is.

| Bush has created a whole raft of police state laws and precedents that 
| will take a long time to reverse, and we're entrenched in a war that is 
| creating more new terrorists by the second.  

well, no. not in any sense is any of the above accurate. rather than 
entirely deconstruct it, let it suffice to say that the terrorists being 
created by the second have been singularly unterrifying, and if this is 
the best they can do, then the war on terror has worked.

| Programs like no child 
| left behind have destroyed all the useful social programs that our
| government provided, and yet the government is wasting more money that
| it ever has before. 

first, social programs ought not be the domain of the government -- 
certainly not the federal government. i agree with you on no child left 
behind. you may remember that this is teddy kennedy's pet project and a 
naive president bush, early on and in hope of cross-aisle comity, joined 
in. it was a bad idea.

the federal government is wasting money because people believe it has 
business doing "social programs." which are nothing more or less than 
entitlements: politicians promising to take away your neighbor's money and 
give it to you.

| It's going to take years to dismantle Bush's 
| conservative, "small government" bureaucracy, and I'm pretty sure that
| it will take centuries to repair our reputation with the rest of the
| world. 

i'm sorry that the opinion of the rest of the world is so important to you. 
i for one could give a toot as to whether europe, sinking in its own 
moribund morass and becoming a politically correct muslim mess out of its 
own lack of energy, thinks of us or anything else. likewise, really, the 
rest of the world.

| Three years ago, he was deemed the worst president in history, 
| and things haven't gotten any better for him since then.  I can't see
| how anyone could do worse.

actually, three years ago he had just been inaugurated to a second term.

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