[OFB Cafe] New Laptop... A Report

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sat Dec 13 11:22:25 CST 2008

saki wrote:
> Fred A. Miller wrote:
>> Ah........here we are again...a moral question everyone has to answer
>> for themselves. And, I answered it sometime ago by not buying a MAC,
>> just like I've made the same decision in not paying for MickySoft.
> Hardly a moral question, though, is it?

Sure is! Apple's support of homosexuality is a "done deal" for me.

> I object to monopolies- particularly overbearing and incompetent ones
> like Microsoft (catch their latest zero-day problems with the latest
> IE), but my only objection to Apple is the pricing and their fanbois and
> their blind faith. (Not you, Tim, obviously, but you'll know what I mean).
> As the BOFH puts it "the Macs in the coloured-pencils department".

Hehehe....cute. 'Hadn't heard that before.

> Why do you think it is a moral question?

See above.


"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties
than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by
deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks
will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up
homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Thomas Jefferson, 1802

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