[OFB Cafe] New Laptop... A Report

saki tjmc at torhouse.eclipse.co.uk
Sat Dec 13 10:33:18 CST 2008

Fred A. Miller wrote:

> Ah........here we are again...a moral question everyone has to answer
> for themselves. And, I answered it sometime ago by not buying a MAC,
> just like I've made the same decision in not paying for MickySoft.

Hardly a moral question, though, is it?

I object to monopolies- particularly overbearing and incompetent ones 
like Microsoft (catch their latest zero-day problems with the latest 
IE), but my only objection to Apple is the pricing and their fanbois and 
their blind faith. (Not you, Tim, obviously, but you'll know what I mean).

As the BOFH puts it "the Macs in the coloured-pencils department".

Why do you think it is a moral question?


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